Surprise Pin-up Photographs

Surprise Pin-up Photographs

Sometimes a photo shoot has a change in plans. As a photographer I need to be ready to adapt to whatever happens. From bad weather to equipment problems, there are always surprises.

This week on of the pleasant surprise is when Amber came into the studio to shoot. She was showing me her lingerie and said that the one outfit was very retro. My eye immediately saw pin-up for the outfit and asked her if she would like to do some classic pin-up with it, that ended up being as sexy as sites like

Amber jumped at the chance. She hadn’t even considered doing any pin-up photography for her shoot before, but now she was excited by the idea.

Retro lingerie creates perfect pin-up for amber by Phoenix photographer, Orcatek.

She loved the final shot and everyone she showed it to told her it was one of their favorites.